Canoeing Nationals 2009
Time really flies. It's been a loooooooong while since the comps that I've made any posts. To be exact, it's 248 days after the comps and I can still barely believe that the O's are over! Anyway, I have some pics from the comps period that ought to be posted here coz after all, this is a blog about the lives of SJI Canoeists!
It's a good thing that Mr Teo made Pete and I write about this year's comps for the JA when we were preparing for Prelim. I was grumbling at first coz I wanted to study but I did a draft anyway and Pete made a final check before we submitted it to him. In the end, he used our write-up for the letter to the Sec1 to 3's parents' and i don't think we'll get to see it in the JA. That's why it's good! Hehehe. I can just copy and paste what we did and use it as a post for our blog! It's definitely better than what i was typing before i decided to copy and paste. I can barely remember the details of the comps after Os so this is a better option :P
But before i copy and paste, here are some pics of the boat waxing day before the comps!
Left: Fen Yit wiping the insides of his second wife, Right: Jon wiping the outside of his wife
Left: Grass patch outside K2 shed , Right: Peter and Paul fanning their boats dry
National Interschool Canoeing Championships
Some of us were listening to our MP3 players. Some were whispering quietly to each other while some simply stared into blank space. Yet, deep down, under the semblance of calmness, our insides were turning to liquid. Our muscles were numb just from anxiety as we waited in silent anticipation of the events to come. Then the bus rumbled to a stop. The doors creaked open. We stepped out. Out into MacRitchie Reservoir.
MacRitchie Reservoir- our familiar training location, the place where we often push ourselves past our limits. It is the place where we gather at least 4 times a week to practice and improve our paddling skills and subject ourselves to excruciating fitness training. In the days leading up to the competition, we were made to run seemingly endless distances and did push-ups and pull-ups till our bodies ached with a profound discomfort. We can only ascribe our seemingly improbable fortitude to our strong desire to do our Alma mater proud. We knew the challenges that had to be surmounted, and we contrived to give nothing but our personal best.
With our paddles in one hand and the other idly clenched, we made our way to the competing area. The atmosphere was exuberant but the C-division and B-division team maintained a cool demeanour, with our minds focused on our goals. After 3 days of intense competition in the heats and semi-finals, our perseverance and determination paid off. The C-division team managed to get 12 boats in the finals and the B-division managed to get a record number of 15 boats in the finals. Unfortunately, a few boats did not make it that far. All the same, we are all proud that they faced their opponents with courage, especially the Sec 1s who had to race competitors twice their size.
Peter Chen-Yang Nikhil Daniel (204) obtained the first gold for the team in the K1-1000m event. He later went on to win his second gold medal for the K1-500m event. His success is the first of its kind in SJI history. No person had ever won two gold medals in the National Interschool Canoeing Championships. Brandon Seah (210) was the second person to achieve such a feat. He obtained gold for the T2-500m event and together with C-division Captain Joshua Ng (211), they obtained gold for the T2-500m event. And for the first time, SJI sent four kayakers, Timothy Tan (201), Gabriel Lim (206), Shaun Tan (210) and Timothy Lim (202) to compete in the C-division K4-500m race and emerged with silver medals.
Faiz Azhar B Hazman clinched the 5th gold medal for the C-division team for the C1-500m event. In the C2-500m event, David Chew (207) and Benjamin Ng (208) got the bronze medal while Tay Yang Zhi (212) and Daryl Wan Zhi Sheng (207) obtained 5th. Yang Zhi only joined the Canoeing team towards the end of 2008, but he, together with his partner, Daryl, worked as hard as anyone else. Despite their late start, they managed to become one of the best duos that SJI had to offer. For all the hard work that both of you have put in, Yang Zhi and Daryl, we laud you and are most proud of you.
As for the B-division, both canoeists and kayakers contrived to win a total of 5 medals. Yong Fen Yit (432) successfully won a bronze medal in the K1-1000m event despite being encumbered by a ligament injury during the heats. James Ong (336) came in 5th for the K1 500m race. Alvan Ng (431) and Canneth Ho (331) was up next in the C1-1000m race, and they came in 4th and 5th respectively. Paul Tan (324) and Peter Ooi (432) was the first pair to obtain a silver medal for the B-division in the C2-500m race. Joel Low (435) and Seet Qin Han (325) came in 4th for the same event. However, they had managed to win bronze medals in the previous C2-1000m race.
After the K2-500m race, which saw Seet Qing Hong (422) and Roy Quek (437) come in 4th while Jon Chan Hao (437) and Matthew Sng (437) attained 6th position, Jon and Matthew had only enough time to catch their breath, though, before they set off with Ryan Cheng (435) and Nicholas Tan (432) to compete in the K4-500m event and successfully obtained the first gold medal for the B-division.
The C-division team has once again secured the C-division Title for the 6th time in a row, maintaining the achievement of their past predecessors. The B-division team achieved the First Runner-up for the Championships, which is an improvement from last year’s results. The success of the Canoeing team this year can only be attributed to the hard work and determination displayed by every team member, coupled with the guidance and undying support from our dedicated Coach, Mr. Lim, Mr. Fong, and Mr. Teo, who, despite being hospitalized after surgery, maintained contact with us.
All in all, 2009 has been a year of blood, sweat and tears, but also of triumph and success for the canoeing team. Even so, we will continue to work hard at canoeing, shattering our limits and constantly improving ourselves. We are confident that as the new year brings new challenges, it will bring also new triumphs.
I found it a little boring lol. Hope you guys liked it though(: I felt Pete's intro was nice.
Well, below are some pics of us in our celebratory mood at SEoul GarDen.
ONE BIG CANOEIST FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A beautiful photo......
Try venting your frustration here
Tag along!
We all know we love Bubblewrap
Meet The Team!
ISAAC the Gentle DoTArd GIANT,
ZEUS the Cool dude,
GLEN the Talented Mat-style Braa-derrrr!,
CLEON the AHEM-Joker,
FEN YIT the Cyborg monkey,
XIN YANG the Eccentric vice-cap,
ROY the Hardworking twin,
NICHOLAS the Awesome Model Captain,
MATTHEW the Very Cool Bo-chap Cucumber,
RYAN the Cheery chubby butt,
ZE JIE the Pocket Hercules,
JOEL the er....whatever,
JAVINN the P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Poker-face :D ,
JON the Enthu Artist,
KEVIN the Chubby DoTArd (: ,
RUSSELL the Soccer pro twin,
QIN HONG the Humorous 'n Blur,
TIMOTHY the other Cool dude,
PETER the Friendliest,Most patient ROCK!
The most colourful team you'll ever see(:
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