Quit complaining that this blog's dead peeps,we couldn't care less.we're trying to get our life back after comps and exams,so cut us some slack.and we wont have much time on the com anyways,we gotta prep for O's,unlike SOME people.Whatever.
Balls u,
P.S. I'm not really pissed :D
Try venting your frustration here
Tag along!
We all know we love Bubblewrap
Meet The Team!
ISAAC the Gentle DoTArd GIANT,
ZEUS the Cool dude,
GLEN the Talented Mat-style Braa-derrrr!,
CLEON the AHEM-Joker,
FEN YIT the Cyborg monkey,
XIN YANG the Eccentric vice-cap,
ROY the Hardworking twin,
NICHOLAS the Awesome Model Captain,
MATTHEW the Very Cool Bo-chap Cucumber,
RYAN the Cheery chubby butt,
ZE JIE the Pocket Hercules,
JOEL the er....whatever,
JAVINN the P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Poker-face :D ,
JON the Enthu Artist,
KEVIN the Chubby DoTArd (: ,
RUSSELL the Soccer pro twin,
QIN HONG the Humorous 'n Blur,
TIMOTHY the other Cool dude,
PETER the Friendliest,Most patient ROCK!
The most colourful team you'll ever see(:
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